Summer 1978

In my recent reminiscences about Peter Sinclair, one of the memories was that he had sent us pre-reading for the summer before we started at Brasenose. The one I could remember was Roy Harrod’s The Life of J.M. Keynes. As I write down in my notebook everything I read, I was able to go back to the summer of 1978 and see what else I had read before starting the course. Peter’s other choice, it turns out, was Economic Philosophy by Joan Robinson.

51ohbwolveL._SX297_BO1,204,203,200_Our philosophy tutor, the late Michael Woods, recommended Bertrand Russell’s The Problems of Philosophy. Vernon Bogdanor, presumably mindful of the limitations of the British A level curriculum and the first term’s politics course, suggested: America in the 20th Century, Democracy in France since the 18th century and  20th Century Russia.

It underlines again how lucky I’ve been in the education I received.