A fresh Perspective on identity

The next title in our Perspectives series will be published soon: Identity is the New Money by Dave Birch. It is packed full of incredibly persuasive ideas for enabling digital technology to enhance both security and privacy – I think Dave is completely convincing on the scope to eliminate what we think of as a trade-off by shaping the technology infrastructure in an alternative, non-centralised manner.

Meanwhile, there have been some new reviews of earlier titles in the series. Julia Unwin’s Why Fight Poverty? has just been reviewed in the LSE Politics and Policy blog and Bridget Rosewell’s Reinventing London was reviewed in the LSE Review of Books recently. The series was featured in 3am Magazine too, with an interesting take from a non-economist, the philosopher Richard Marshall.

[amazon_image id=”1907994165″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Why Fight Poverty? (Perspectives)[/amazon_image]   [amazon_image id=”1907994149″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Reinventing London (Perspectives)[/amazon_image]

[amazon_image id=”1907994157″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Rediscovering Growth: After the Crisis (Perspectives)[/amazon_image]   [amazon_image id=”1907994130″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]The BRIC Road to Growth (Perspectives)[/amazon_image]

Thinking, long and hard

Behavioural economics is very much in the news. Tim Harford takes a slightly skeptical look at it in the Financial Times today. In a recent post Chris House noted that few young researchers were taking up the baton, and anyway there are relatively few significant papers in the field. These have followed (in my order of reading) a rather intriguing OECD blog post by Vela Velupillai distinguishing between classical and modern behavioural economics (CBE and MBE). The classical version, from Herbert Simon’s 1953 paper, A Behavioural Model of Rational Choice, onward, is presented as more radical because it assumes no preference ordering and where there is no optimising but rather satisficing. Prof Velupillai writes:

“MBE concerns the behaviour of agents and institutions in or near equilibrium; CBE investigates disequilibrium or non-equilibrium phenomena…. MBE accepts mathematical analysis of (uncountably) infinite events or iterations, infinite horizon optimisation problems and probabilities defined over s-algebras and arbitrary measure spaces; CBE only exemplifies cases which contain finitely large search spaces and constrained by finite-time horizons.”

I have no idea what an s-algebra is, but the point is clear – as the post continues:

“Though the behavioural models do consider more realistic psychological or social effects, economic agents are still assumed to be optimising agents, whatever the objective functions may be. In other words, MBE is still within the ambit of the neoclassical theories, or is in some sense only an extension of traditional theory, replacing and repairing the aspects which proved to be contradictory.”

This is interesting in the light of having read recently Gerd Gigerenzer’s [amazon_link id=”0141015918″ target=”_blank” ]Gut Feelings[/amazon_link], which one could sum up as being about the rationality (in the sense of using mental resources efficiently) of non-rational (in the sense of calculating) decision-making via the use of rules of thumb. Gigerenzer takes issues with precisely the frequent behavioural econ assumption that decision-making is done as in the rational choice framework except with biases. Not always – Kahneman’s [amazon_link id=”0141033576″ target=”_blank” ]Fast Thinking[/amazon_link] clearly overlaps with the use of rules of thumb.

[amazon_image id=”0141015918″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Gut Feelings: Short Cuts to Better Decision Making[/amazon_image]

[amazon_image id=”0141033576″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Thinking, Fast and Slow[/amazon_image]

Fascinating territory. I need to think, not fast or slow, but long and hard about this.

What role for reason?

There’s an interesting review by Molly Worthen of a new book by George Marsden, [amazon_link id=”B00IHGVPG2″ target=”_blank” ]The Twilight of the American Enlightenment: The 1950s and the Crisis of Liberal Belief[/amazon_link]. I suspect the review is more interesting than its subject – at least, I’m not really tempted to read a book aiming to persuade me that faith-based arguments ought to have the same status in public policy debate as reason-based arguments.

I’m more interested in the Walter Lippmann book mentioned in Prof Worthen’s review, [amazon_link id=”B00E3255JW” target=”_blank” ]Essays in the Public Philosophy[/amazon_link], having read his [amazon_link id=”1440047510″ target=”_blank” ]Liberty and the News[/amazon_link] relatively recently. It sounds like it prefigures Daniel Bell’s [amazon_link id=”B00BR5IEZ0″ target=”_blank” ]Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism[/amazon_link]. Does the individualist, market system undermine the social norms and values that make it work? How does the application of reason to public policy questions sit with the role of emotion and belief in our modern democracies? And – a new question as we learn more and more from cognitive science – are we kidding ourselves about the role of reason anyway?

[amazon_image id=”B00IHGVPG2″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]The Twilight of the American Enlightenment: The 1950s and the Crisis of Liberal Belief[/amazon_image]

[amazon_image id=”B00BR5IEZ0″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]The Cultural Contradictions Of Capitalism: 20th Anniversary Edition by Bell, Daniel Anniversary Edition [Paperback(1996)][/amazon_image]

In related reading, Richard Marshall of 3AM Magazine has an interview with philosopher Jeremy Sheamur about Popper and Hayek. I was intrigued by the suggestion that Hayek thought of markets as institutions, albeit organic rather than designed – very far from the received wisdom of markets as a free-for-all, a view of course often attributed to Hayek.

The book of the interviews, [amazon_link id=”0199969531″ target=”_blank” ]Philosophy at 3am[/amazon_link], is due out soon. One to look forward to.

[amazon_image id=”0199969531″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Philosophy at 3:AM: Questions and Answers with 25 Top Philosophers[/amazon_image]

Choose your ancestors carefully

Gregory Clark’s [amazon_link id=”0691162549″ target=”_blank” ]The Son Also Rises: Surnames and the History of Social Mobility[/amazon_link] is one of the most genuinely thought-provoking books I’ve read for quite a while. It’s the fruit of obviously many hours of archival and other research, looking at the lessons that can be drawn from using rare surnames to track directly what happens to status through the generations. The results are startling.

[amazon_image id=”0691162549″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]The Son Also Rises: Surnames and the History of Social Mobility (The Princeton Economic History of the Western World)[/amazon_image]

Our received wisdom is that social mobility, measured by the persistence of income (usually) or perhaps wealth or education over time, was sluggish, improved in the 20th century, and has perhaps diminished again. The surname evidence indicates very low intergenerational mobility, in many countries and over many centuries. There is a slow, slow regression to the mean in status, but no evidence of any change in trend, even through major political and social changes, such as the extension of the franchise, the welfare state or even the Cultural Revolution in China. Clark writes:

“Mobility is consistent across generations. Although it may take 10 or 15 generations, social mobility may eventually erase most echoes of initial advantage or want. Counter-intuitively, the arrival of free public education in the 19th century and the reduction of nepotism in government, education and private firms have not increased social mobility. Nor is there any sign that modern economic growth has done so.”

So, to give some examples of the data sets used, the records of the Swedish Bar Association show that names associated with the nobility from the 17th century appeared six times as often in 2012 as they did in the general population. “The 18th century elite in Sweden have persisted to the present day as a relatively privileged group.” Sweden! At the present rate of decline of greater-than-average representation of their names among US doctors, “It will be 300 years before the Ashkenazi Jewish population of the United States ceases to be under-represented among physicians.”

In the UK where – notoriously – it helps to have attended Eton to get into the government, the surnames of the mediaeval elite were still eight times over-represented (compared to the average name) at Oxford and Cambridge in 1980. Someone with an unusual  ‘wealthy’ surname was about 50  times more likely to attend Oxford or Cambridge in the mid-19th century, and still 8 times more likely in 2010. “In terms of social mobility, what did the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution achieve? Very little.” Surnames associated with the invading elite after the Norman Conquest in 1066 are still heavily over-represented in Parliament and in the British armed forces.

Even in China after Communism and the Cultural Revolution, Qing elite surnames are found more frequently than the three most common Chinese surnames among elites such as professors, government officials and the chairs of company boards.

There are many examples. The bulk of the book presents the data sets and the persistence of the over-representation of certain surnames among high status groups. The rate of ‘social entropy’ is both high and astonishingly consistent across space and time, at 0.7-0.8.

Why are the surname estimates of social mobility so much lower than conventional estimates looking at the correlation of (say) income over time? Clark suggests that this is because a single indicator like income is an imperfect proxy for social status, which will depend on a number of attributes. The resulting error in measuring underlying status will bias downward the estimated persistence (or bias upward the estimate of mobility). Explaining why mobility is more or less constant and universal is harder. The book tentatively suggests that status is an inherited trait in the sense that an initial combination of talent and luck is sustained over the generations by assortative marriage. “The law of social mobility tends to produce a long arc of privilege or want for those who end up at the extremes of the status distribution.”

If correct, the conclusion seems pretty disturbing. But Clark insists that there is no reason for fatalism. Surname is not destiny. Slow social mobility does not imply a society rife with nepotism or corruption. Individuals’ efforts can act on the opportunities they get and the elements of luck that affect all lives. “Even with an inter-generational correlation of 0.75, more than two-fifths of variation in outcomes in generalized social status is still unpredictable.” The chance of moving from the bottom to the top of the pecking order in one generation is negligible, but there is plenty of scope for upward (or downward) movement.

There are both personal and policy conclusions, however. For anxious parents, the message is that much of what you’ve done for your children is genetic, so by all means give them every encouragement but don’t fret about the flash cards and expensive schools. Most of the old Etonians who thrive in modern Britain would have done just as well without costing their families the fees (£33,000 a year plus extras for seven years).

In terms of public policy, the message is avoid institutions and structures that amplify inequality. “If we cannot change the heritable advantages and disadvantages of families in the economic and social world, we should at least mitigate the consequences of these differences.” This means redistributing income via the tax system, providing universal healthcare and education, having a higher education system that avoids sorting by ability (more like the German than the US or UK systems), and so on. Sweden again. If you want to do well in modern Sweden, it helps to have had an ancestor who was ennobled in 1700, but if you don’t have that inheritance, you won’t be as far behind your country’s elite as a scion of the English working class will be behind ours.

It seems hard to quarrel with the data assembled and presented in this book. I certainly wouldn’t argue with the policy conclusions either – why would you want to amplify inequalities anyway?

Still, this is a troubling argument because it does seem to imply a necessary fatalism about our ability to shape social and economic outcomes. I’ve always been greatly encouraged by the work of [amazon_link id=”0262019132″ target=”_blank” ]Jim Heckman[/amazon_link] and others suggesting that early interventions in the lives of disadvantaged children can make a big difference to their lifetime success – partly because of experience in a local primary school making me so aware of how unequal children’s capabilities and prospects are at an early age. Clark challenges the Heckman-type results in one section, presenting some evidence that there is a large effect but temporary, and that it fades rapidly in adulthood.

So I hope [amazon_link id=”0691162549″ target=”_blank” ]The Son Also Rises[/amazon_link] stimulates a lot of further debate and research. It’s an important book, and anybody at all interested in inequality and the kind of society we have should read it. Although there are many charts and a few equations, it’s very well written, and full of fascinating historical detail as well.

All about me….

Since my book, [amazon_link id=”0691156794″ target=”_blank” ]GDP: A Brief but Affectionate History[/amazon_link], was published recently, I’ve been in publicity overdrive. If you’re not interested, look away now. If you are interested, here’s a round-up of the articles about the book by me and the reviews so far.

[amazon_image id=”0691156794″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]GDP: A Brief but Affectionate History: A Brief Affectionate History[/amazon_image]


Washington Post (Tyler Cowen)

Wall Street Journal, $, (James Grant)

Financial Times, (register or £) (Samuel Brittan)

The New York Times, Fred Andrews

3am Magazine (Richard Marshall)

The Australian, $, (Adam Creighton)

Mint (Niranjan Rajadhyaksha)

Finance & Devlopment (the IMF’s magazine), Todd Buchholz – scroll down

Featured in ‘The invention of “the economy”‘, Planet Money

Interview on Goldstein on Gelt

By me:

Beyond GDP, extract in Foreign Affairs

Aeon Magazine, Growing Pains

Financial World, A measure for error

Prospect, What GDP can’t tell us

Boston Globe: What the GDP Doesn’t Show About America

The Globalist: Warfare and the Invention of GDP

I’ve also reviewed Zachary Karabell’s book [amazon_link id=”1451651201″ target=”_blank” ]The Leading Indicators: A short history of the numbers that rule our world[/amazon_link] for the New York Times and will add the link when it’s out. It has a chapter on GDP. It complements my book rather than being a substitute for it!