More on Google

The weekend review sections have brought more on the books in general and the Google Books Settlement in particular.

In the Financial Times, Tim Martin reviews four tomes about the history and future of the book. The only one the really appeals to me is the collection of essays by Robert Darnton, The Case for Books, Past, Present and Future.

Darnton isn't only a marvellous essayist, he also, as director of Harvard's library, suspended its agreement with Google in 2008. In his review, Martin writes of the current court case:

“If Google has its way, one of the world’s largest companies will end up
with unchallenged distribution rights over one of the world’s largest
book collections.”

Activism against Google on this front is continuing to develop. Campaigner Gillian Spraggs has written a note about this in the Guardian's Review section today. It isn't online, but the Guardian's article about the authors who opted out of the settlement is.

I'm one of the 6,500 or so who did. This was partly because I want to control myself how my books appear online, and doubt I'm missing much revenue from Google by doing so – this part of the proposed settlement is so opaque and complicated that it's hard to be sure, but anyway the amount would be smal for most authors. But for me the main issue is the private global monopoly the US court will give Google if it upholds the settlement. Here is another area where Google is leveraging its scale in its existing markets to gain dominance in a new market.

For those who are interested in the economic and legal issues, I comment The Public Domain by James Boyle as a sparklingly clear overview. Professor Suzanne Scotchmer at Berkeley has called for international action to safeguard the global public domain. Finally, a recent working paper by Professor Pamela Samuelson explores the economic aspects of authors' objections, particularly looking at academic authors' concerns.

Lords of Finance

The 1920s and 1930s seem by far the most appropriate period in history to offer lessons about the state of the economy today. Liaquat Ahamed's Lords of Finance was written before the Crash of 2008 but its insight into the role of central banks during a financial depression could not be more appropriate for our own times.

This is a marvellously well-written book, and the economics and finance are slipped effortlessly into a gripping narrative of the period from the end of the first world war to the start of the second. The tale is told through the personae of the governors of the Bank of England, the New York Fed, the Banque de France and the Reichsbank. Other personalities help bring history to life. Keynes features strongly, for example.

Some threads run through the analysis. The huge error of the punitive reparations imposed on Germany after the first world war is one. (One that should give us pause thinking about Iceland, as the ever-wonderful John Kay has written.) A second is the dire impact of America's isolationist instincts on the rest of the world.

I particularly like the author's willingness to comment rather acidly on the story he tells. Describing the governance of the Bank of England in the early 20th century, a matter of eminent City dignitaries each taking a turn, he writes:

“It was a strange, even eccentric way of doing things – for the most important institution in Britain, in fact in the world, to be in the hand of a group of amateurs, men who would generally have preferred to be doing something else but who viewed the years they devoted to steering the Bank as a form of civic duty.”

Montagu Norman, the Bank of England governor – and anti-hero – of this tale broke the mould in many ways but not as it turned out in his views about the need for Britain to return to the gold standard at its pre-war rate. It was a fateful decision.

Or another example:

“Senators and congressmen are rarely informed enough to be persuasive advocates for changes in monetary policy.”

There are lovely vignettes as well. Describing the contraction in economic activity in the late 1920s as countries stayed tied to the gold standard even though all the gold was flowing into US assets, Ahamed notes that what actually happened was that workmen moved some gold bars from one part of the Bank of England's vaults to another, changing the label attached to show they now belonged to the Federal Reserve Bank. What a bizarre way for the most serious depression in modern economic history to unfold.

This is the best kind of history, combining the big picture with the small details which bring it to life and remind us that what happens is partly a matter of the grand sweep of events, and partly the accidents of personality and chance. All in all, a well-deserved winner of the FT book of the year last time around. Its 500 pages zipped past.

New online retailer

It's traditional to be gloomy about book retailing, and the closure of Borders in the UK recently, another casualty of the recession, fuelled that gloom. The Borders superstore model didn't translate all that well across the Atlantic. And the closure took down with it Books Etc, the town centre stores which Borders had acquired to gain its entry into the UK market.

The good news is that the Books Etc brand was acquired by private capital and has re-opened as an online store. The website looks clear and usable, the opening prices are attractive. I'll certainly test drive it for its features and service quality. Amazon is terrific but it will be good to have some additional competition.

Actually, bricks and mortar bookselling is in better state than one might have feared as the recession added to the structural pressure from online competition. I don't know what profit margins are like at the moment, but I like the Blackwells stores (haven't tried the website), Foyles has become an attractive competitor albeit on a small scale once again (certainly compared to my youth when it felt like shopping in the Soviet Union), and the marvellous Daunt Books – my favourite – has expanded again. It's a lovely place to be – see the Marylebone store below – and Daunts bookbags have even become a fashion accessory.

The Holy Grail of Macroeconomics – a guest review

The Holy Grail of Macroeconomics: Lessons from Japan's Great Recession

A Guest Review by Lindsay Fraser

At a time of economic crisis,  parallels from elsewhere become of the utmost interest. Take, for example, the experience of Japan in the 1990s, the subject of Richard Koo's book, The Holy Grail of Macroeconomics: Lessons from Japan's Great Recession.

recession has been blamed variously on structural problems, on the banks (via a
standard credit crunch), or on a failure in monetary policy.  Koo, the chief economist at the Nomura Research Institute, sets out why economic evidence
supports none of these – for example, the strength of exports during this
period suggests that Japanese companies were not just structurally sound but
remained highly competitive.  Rather,
he suggests that the collapse in the 1980s asset bubble triggered a balance
sheet recession.  Faced with the
fall in property prices (real estate fell 
% in
three years from its peak to its trough in 2003/4), companies were left with a
huge hole in their balance sheets, which they set about repairing in the only
way open to them – the repayment of debt. 
This was not obvious at the time because companies, understandably, were
keen not to publicise this and, because their core operations remained healthy,
they believed (correctly) that given time they could rebalance their balance
sheets without frightening their investors. 

The key point
here, according to Koo, and the reason for the reference to the “Holy Grail” in
the title, is that, whereas traditional economics assumes that every firm’s
priority is always to maximise profits, Japanese companies instead
adopted the goal of debt minimisation. 
While this was utterly rational for each company to do individually,
collectively it led to a vast shrinkage in aggregate demand, and a deflationary
cycle.  This explains why
traditional monetary policy did not work on this occasion:  monetary policy assumes the existence
of willing borrowers in the private sector, and it is simply a question of
setting the right “price” in order to stimulate demand for debt. Instead, the
private sector continued to repay debt even when interest rates were nearly zero. 

The BOJ also tried quantitative easing,
putting ¥25tn into the system between 2001-2006.  This was ineffective as the system was already awash in
excess reserves, but also explains why inflation did not take off as a
result.  The main policy that did succeed,
and prevented total collapse, was the huge fiscal stimulus via bond issuance
and expenditure on public works (plus a blanket deposit guarantee for the
banks).  This helped to replace the
lost demand from the private sector, allowing the economy to continue to
operate.  Koo explains the current
incipient recovery in Japan as evidence that balance sheets may now be
repaired, allowing companies to invest in growing their businesses again.   He regards the 1990s as a success rather than failure, thanks
to the government’s actions – the fall in GDP would have been far more painful
without it. 

He believes the
US depression in the 1930s had similar causes, and examines some of
the other policy options available. 
He dismisses the idea that central banks should buy up “risky” assets,
partly because of the volume required to make a significant impact and partly
because of the risk to the bank’s own credibility.  Similarly, he rejects the idea of “helicopter money” –  Milton Friedman’s (and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s) suggestion
that monetary policy will always work because, if all else fails, you can
scatter money over cities and thus increase the money supply – because of the
impact of such a policy on the integrity of the currency itself.  (Tax rebates do not come into the same
category, because they are part of fiscal policy.)  The other effective option available to countries running a
current account deficit is to devalue the currency, so as to tap into external
demand (this wasn’t available to Japan in the 1990s, of course, with its large

Koo describes the typical economic cycle, dividing it in two phases.  In the expansionary (“yang”) phase, the
economy is behaving along traditional macroeconomic lines, with companies
seeking to maximise profit, with monetary policy effective in controlling
demand, until overconfidence leads to bubbles appearing.  At this stage, tighter monetary policy
pricks the bubble leading to the deflationary (“yin”) phase, when companies
shift to debt minimisation in response to asset price falls and forcing
governments to rely on fiscal policy until balance sheets are repaired and
confidence returns, starting the expansionary phase again.

Koo argues that
Japan’s experience shows up the flaws in both monetarism and in Keynesian
economics as both assume that firms continue to seek to maximise profits and
neither succeeds in explaining why monetary policy fails to work in a balance
sheet recession.  While Keynes was
right in recommending fiscal stimulus, he did so for the wrong reason, arguing
in terms of the multiplier effect of government expenditure and the marginal
disutility of labour for long-term unemployed, rather than seeing it as
offsetting the effect of debt repayment by the private sector.  As a result, Keynesians have tried to
explain economic cycles using “sticky” wages and other price rigidities.   If we incorporate the idea of a
balance sheet recession into the Keynesian model, then it’s easier to
understand why a robust economy can suddenly stall following a fall in asset

Drawing all
these threads together, Koo argues that Japan’s experience should reassure
Western economies as they struggle with a balance sheet recession.  He explains deflation by the example of
someone earning $1,000, spending $900 (which then becomes income for someone
else) and saving $100.  Someone
must borrow (and spend) that $100 for it not to be lost to the economy,
otherwise effectively income has been reduced to $900, of which $90 is saved
and so on, into a deflationary spiral. 
 In a balance sheet
recession there is a shortage of borrowers wanting to borrow (then spend) the
initial $100.  He therefore
justifies the government increasing its spending to offset that unwanted $100,
without fear of crowding out private demand – indeed the increase in government
spending is simply financed by the increased private savings.  (This is exactly what happened in
Japan, where most of the government debt is held by domestic investors.)

recommendation for the US is for the Administration not to worry too much about
the fiscal deficit:  Obama should
declare a balance sheet recession and that he will do all he can to support GDP
for five years or longer.  Neither
monetary policy nor tax cuts will work while the private sector is
deleveraging.  The Fed should adopt
a new role as “borrower of last resort”. 
He also has lessons for Asia in this new era of globalisation:  they can no longer rely on exporting to
America being the solution to their problems.   And advises against allowing bubbles to develop in the
first place!

The book contains a lot of interesting points (sometimes a bit
repetitively).  It provides a
convincing explanation for the recent economic cycle, and explains why low
interest rates have so little impact. 
I’m not sure that fiscal stimulus is necessarily the whole answer – in
fact, Koo rather overstates the success of the Japanese authorities, left with
a huge public debt and an economy that is far from flourishing.  Japan was also less dependent on
foreign investment in its sovereign debt – the West is more vulnerable to a
crisis of confidence from external investors, and the “little bit” of currency
devaluation Koo advocates for countries with a current account deficit could
easily descend out of control.  But
the book helps to explain Japan’s experience, and gives a good account of
options available to the West as they struggle to move back to a path of stronger
economic growth.

The current in-pile

The combination of a recent birthday, half term holidays and a chunky book (Liaquat Ahmed's Lords of Finance) on the go mean the in-pile has grown to the top of the armchair in height. Still, that means lots to look forward to, including some well-overdue reads such as the Reinhart and Rogoff volume on crashes, This Time Is Different, not to mention Adam Smith. I decided the time had come to reread Wealth of Nations properly again. As ever, recommendations for additions to the pile are welcome, even when it's this big!